Woman's Town Club of Springfield
Proprietors of The Buchwalter House
805 East High Street, Springfield, OH 45505
phone: 937.322.1201 email: WTCspringfield@gmail.com
Buchwalter House Foundation
Welcome to the Foundation that works for the betterment of the Buchwalter House located at 805 East High Street in Springfield, Ohio.
Our mission is to foster the restoration, improvement, and preservation of the historic structure located in the East High Street Historic District of Springfield.
Our goal is to continually improve and restore the circa 1852 Buchwalter House. By working towards this goal, there will be resulting education of the community, access to the Buchwalter House, and improvement to the safety and desirability of the Historic District.
The East High Street Historic District has been recognized by the National Parks Service since 1974.
All financial donations support the mission and goals of the Buchwalter House Foundation. You can make your tax deductible donation to:
Buchwalter House Foundation
P.O. Box 853
Springfield, OH 45501
We thank you for your support. Your donation to the Buchwalter Foundation is also helping to improve the East High Street Historic District of Springfield, Ohio.
Please include the following information with your donation:
Donation Amount ______________________
Date ________________________________
Name _______________________________
Address _____________________________
Email ________________________________