Woman's Town Club of Springfield
Proprietors of The Buchwalter House
805 East High Street, Springfield, OH 45505
phone: 937.322.1201 email: WTCspringfield@gmail.com
The Woman’s Town Club provides a social center for women in the Springfield community and maintains and preserves its historic home.
The Woman's Town Club of Springfield, Ohio, was founded in 1922 to provide local women with a center for social, cultural and civic activities. The Woman’s Town Club is housed in the former home of Captain Edward and Clementine Buchwalter. The house is located in the East High Street Historic District and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Woman’s Town Club is known for providing hospitality for decades.
Clementine Berry Buchwalter opened her residence to the local women for gatherings. Out of this grew the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs.
The Woman’s Town Club has been owned, operated and managed by women since 1922. It has survived The Depression, World Wars, a fire, a flood, social changes and the pandemic. Woman’s Town Club is looking forward to the next 100 years with optimism.

Front row: S. Koons, E. Cox, C. Zechman, J. Bowman
Back row: C. Smith, Y. Rowlands, V. Dolohite, J. Townsend, P. Bowen, S. Slusher, M. Ryan